Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Why gob-almighty Gemma must stay on the Street

When Callum's deeds catch up with him, as well they must as this is soap and that's what happens to baddies, I do hope Gemma will stay on Coronation Street.

She's Callum's sidekick right now, but there's got to be hope that the girl can be redeemed when Callum gets what's coming to him. With Callum out of her life, Gemma and Macca can then get together, take over the nail concession at Audrey's salon and live happily ever after on the cobbles.

Dolly-Rose Campbell, who plays Gemma Winter, is on twitter here.

And in real life she looks nothing like Gemma the chav.

Dolly-Rose (what a great name!) has acted on stage in a variety plays. From Waiting for Godot to Around the World in 80 days, she's one versatile lady. You can check out her Spotlight CV here.

Interestingly, her CV states that she's a professional chef!

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