Thursday, August 20, 2015

Why Callum Logan is Corrie comedy gold

Despite him putting the boot into beating up Jason last night, I'm still loving every minute of Sean Ward on screen as Callum Logan. He's so bad he's brilliant. 

Callum is fey, a bit camp, well over the top and I love watching him on screen. I knew Jason was in for a roughing-up last night after Callum pointed his finger of doom at the lad. Poor Jason didn't stand a chance once that finger had been exposed.

Of course, it's just a matter of time before Callum gets what's coming to him and we know already that Tony beats him up. Will that be enough to scare Callum away from the Street? I hope not... not just yet.

I'd love to see Callum being taken down by someone less manly than Tony. There's got to be a fitting end to the campness of Callum and being beaten up by bad-man Tony isn't it.

In an interview with TV Times magazine some weeks ago, actor Sean Ward confessed he can't drive. He said that all the scenes of Callum pulling onto the Street in his car have to be edited well. Someone else drives the car in and out of shot, and Callum just 'appears as if by magic' getting into or out of the basking white shark on wheels.  I don't know why it should, but this endears me to Callum even more, it adds to his utter pointlessness.

Callum's a joke. One that's been well played, it has to be said. But one that needs to move on and be done with.

See also: Is Corrie's Callum the campest villain that the show has ever had?

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