Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Fiz and Tyrone heartbroken over Hope's cancer diagnosis

Poor little Hope.  Doesn't get a mention for months, no screen time in years and then next thing you know it, she's getting a cancer storyline.

Inside Soap magazine this week reveals that Hope will be diagnosed with cancer, and that Fiz and Tyrone will be heartbroken.

Hope, you'll remember, is the daughter of the late John Stape.

As Hope's cancer diagnosis sinks in for Tyrone and Fiz, Fiz starts taking out her worries and frustrations on Tyrone.  She accuses him of not caring for Hope as much as he cares for Ruby, who is his own daughter. Her mum, you'll recall, was Kirsty.

Fiz takes time off work to look after Hope at home but when new Underworld boss Aidan Connor spots Fiz in the Street and asks he what she thinks she's playing at, it's Tyrone who defends his wife.  He tells Aidan what's wrong with Hope, and then Fiz is even more furious that everyone knows the truth.

However, Fiz then has a heart to heart with Roy and that makes Fiz think on a bit.

Could there be any hope for Hope?  We already know that Tyrone and Fiz are in for a cruel Christmas...

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