Monday, August 17, 2015

Corrie's Bill Roache: "I don't enjoy live episodes"

Bill Roache, who plays Ken Barlow in Coronation Street, spoke to the Daily Mirror at the weekend about the upcoming live episode of Corrie this September. 

He confirmed he will be in it but said: "I've been in all three. I don't enjoy it. It's a bit too much. You feel as if the viewers are all sadists waiting for something bad to happen.It is stimulating, though. It's a challenge. When we first started in 1960, we used to do the first episode live and record the second one. That happened for the first few months."

He said: "It's great that Corrie still want me. I've got some good stories coming up which I'm excited about. People always ask when I'm going to retire, and I say not any time soon. If you want to keep young, you have to keep going. The fact I have to learn so many lines is good for me. I love the Street and everybody in it. I'm very fortunate to have been in it so long. I still film from 7am to 8pm just like I did when I first started."

Coronation Street's hour-long live episode will be screened on Wednesday, September 23. Read all about it here.

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