Saturday, August 22, 2015

Simon knocks Leanne unconscious - first look pics

Here are some sneak preview pictures for the episode of Coronation Street to be shown on Friday 4 September.

Having found out Simon’s been in a fight at school, Leanne marches him home. Simon blames Leanne, telling her the lads were picking on him because she won’t buy him a decent phone. 
Leanne runs a bath and orders Simon to wash the dishes but Simon refuses and giving her an almighty shove, does a runner from the flat. 
Leanne stumbles and catching her head on a table, passes out on the floor. As water starts to seep through the kebab shop ceiling, Dev and Mary head upstairs and let themselves into Leanne’s flat. They’re horrified to find her unconscious on the floor and the bath overflowing.

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