Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Pics: Sally gets stuck in her wedding dress

There's some great pictures from next week's previews on Coronation Street

In the episode to be shown on Bank Holiday Monday, 31 August, Sally gets stuck in her wedding dress that she's trying on. And it's Kevin to the rescue to get her out of it!

Inside Soap magazine reveal that Sally splashes out on a lavish wedding dress but is horrified when the zip jams. Ex-husband Kevin is the only one who can get her out of it.   He's over at the Bistro for Maddie's memorial auction and wonders where Sally has got to so he nips back over the road to find her.  Sally's not best pleased when Kevin walks in and discovers her stuck in her frock.

Kevin tries to help but the situation is made more embarassing for Sally when Sophie walks in on her mam and dad as Kevin is trying to undo Sally's dress.  Kevin rips the zip off the dress and Sally's frock is in ruins.

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