Monday, August 24, 2015

Coronation Street Double Episode Review 24 August 2015

So Weatherfield’s Charlie’s Angels is formed tonight. Liz, Erica and Lloyd in the backroom at The Rovers discussing their past loves was entertaining to a point, but felt a little contrived.  We do learn that Lloyd misses Andrea despite the theft of his prize record. He leaves her a voicemail.

There is no getting away from it – Carla’s guilt concerning the fire, her desperation to escape that guilt by developing a serious gambling habit, has ended in dreadful losses at the factory. She must have known in her rational mind that this would happen, but has been putting off the fateful day. She now has to face it full on.

The accounts are in a dreadful state. ‘Proper horror story these accounts,’ comments Aidan. Saddened and a little at a loss, which is hard for Carla, she confesses to Nick the truth concerning her finances. It is impossible to over-estimate how hard this must be for Carla – a woman whose financial independence she values more than most. It is also true that she is proud of her business acumen and her tireless hard work and determination to make Underworld work. She also feels some responsibility towards her staff, as the wages are their livelihood. Sally tries to be helpful by making it seem less serious than it actually is.  She says it’s not even a blip, but a blipette.’  Sally is wearing a new suit – she ‘likes to dress for success,’ and tells Aidan, ‘I am second in command to the head honcho. If there’s anything you need I am your go to girl.’

Reality hits when Carla is doing a tour of the factory with Aidan, to let him see what’s what. A man turns up to repossess her car. Aidan is visibly shocked to learn of the rotten state of Carla’s financial problems. He decides, for now to head off.

Nick becomes annoyed with Carla. He tells her to stop indulging in self-pity and to get herself together. He also mentioned her responsibility to her employees. Carla dismisses his concern by saying, ‘They backed the wrong horse.’ But we know that she doesn’t really feel as dismissive.

Still, in the bistro Nick does his best to persuade Aidan that if he helps Carla they will be able to make Underworld a success once more. Aidan makes an interesting comment on Carla. ‘She loved a scrap, back in the day. It’s as if she has no fight left in her.’

Soon Aidan and Carla reach a deal – and of her workforce she says they are ‘extremely skilled, too gobby for their own good, but they can’t half stitch knickers.’  I just wish the workforce could have heard her.

Gail and David are convinced that it is the right thing to do for Max to go to the police and tell them what he saw regarding Jason being beaten up. Kylie is less sure that it is a good idea, afraid that Max will be traumatised further, but she soon agrees that he should do it. Max plays a blinder.

Callum, who believes that he can wrap Bethany around his little finger is alarmed when she says she will not provide an alibi for him concerning the assault on Jason. He is angry with her and quite frightening too. He heads off to see Sarah, in The Rovers, and slips something into her drink.  Callum is really showing his true colours now. He employs his faithful puppy, Gemma to get Bethany into the car, saying that she needs Bethany to help her. Once ‘captured’ Gemma tells Bethany that Callum wants her to say that she was with Callum and Gemma at the time Jason was beaten up. Bethany refuses. Then, Gemma shows Bethany a video of Sarah completely out of it, which terrifies Bethany. Bethany does as Callum and Gemma ask.

On returning home, the Platts are semi-celebrating, certain that Max’s testimony will land Callum in jail. Kylie utters a word of caution. ‘Don’t get carried away, Callum’s not behind bars yet.’  Sarah says, ‘It’s over, we’re done.’ Gail even considers cracking open the Twiglets. Little do they know what Bethany has done.

Eileen and Tony are keeping a vigil at Jason’s bedside. Eileen is making a deal with God, as we all might be tempted to do in a similar situation, whether atheist or believer. She promises she will be kinder, less sarcastic – in fact she would give anything. It was heartwarming to see Tony and Eileen hug and heartbreaking to see Jason lying there.

It’s worrying times for Tyrone and Fiz. The doctor informs them that Hope has a lump in her abdomen and will need a scan to find out what it is. The doctor tells then that in 9 out of 10 cases the lump is nothing serious. Tyrone confides in Kevin who is kind and understanding.
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