Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tracy confesses to Victoria Court fire

There's a good interview in The Radio Times with Tristan Gemmill, who plays Robert Preston in Cornation Street.  He says that Tracy will confess to Robert about starting the fire at Victoria Court.

Tristan says that Robert gets suspicious when he catches Tracy being uncharacteristically sympathetic towards Carla.

With Carla still under the misapprehension that it was she who brought about the demise of Kal Nazir and Maddie Heath in the recent blaze, Tracy finally tells her that she should stop torturing herself.

The exchange is witnessed by Robert, who is left wondering why Tracy is behaving like this. "Robert can't work out why Tracy is responding to Carla in this way," says actor Tristan Gemmill. "So he grills her about her behaviour. But she becomes increasingly evasive and the penny suddenly drops for Robert that maybe she had something to do with the fire."

So how does Robert get Tracy to own up? "He says that as long as she tells the truth, then he can support her. But there must be no more lies. Circumstances come to a head and Tracy is left with no choice but to tell Robert the truth. He forces her hand, really."

And what does Tracy end up saying? "She says that she was in the flat and that she left a candle burning. The only bit where there's a grey area is when he asks her why she went round there. Did she go round to harm Carla? Tracy says no, but the audience knows that Tracy clearly contemplated doing something bad."
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