Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tonight: Trans and gay Corrie characters - a Manchester Pride event

As part of this year's Manchester Pride, there's an event all about coming out on Coronation Street.  It's called TRANSCRIPT - The development of trans and gay characters, from script to screen.

Join Coronation Street writers Damon Rochefort and Ben Tagoe, Coronation Street Actor Bruno Langley (Todd Grimshaw), Antony Cotton (Sean Tully), Daniel Brocklebank (Billy the vicar), former Coronation Street and Cucumber Actress Julie Hesmondhalgh (Hayley Cropper), and Cucumber Actress Bethany Black as they discuss the concept and development of transgender characters in soaps and how the story moves from script to screen.

Brought to you by Manchester Pride in partnership with ITV, the event will be held on Tuesday 25 August, 7pm at Black Dog Ball Room, NWS (New Wakefield Street), Manchester.

From 6:30pm, Black Dog Ball Room will be offering half price discount for those early attendees, with the event starting at 7pm.

Tickets are £7.50. Book your seat here.

If anyone attends this and would like to blog about it for us afterwards, just a few paragraphs will do and any pics you might like to take, then please do get in touch.

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