Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Deirdre Barlow named The Guardian's fashion muse

The Guardian today have an article entitled "The top 20 autumn fashion trends you need to know about".  Well, all I know is I'll be slapping on a cardi when it gets chilly, but if you're a fashionista then you might like to read it so you know what to wear.

Listed as a muse for autumn fashion is our own, much missed Deirdre Barlow.

Here's what they say about here: "The fashion industry has decreed that Wes Anderson’s most stylish character, Margot Tenenbaum, is this season’s muse; her shabby fur coats and grubby eyeliner exactly what the industry wants to achieve right now. We don’t disagree, but we think the much-missed Deirdre Barlow is an even more apt inspiration: she did oversized glasses and prim blouses on a 1970s north-of-England budget while Anderson was still in short trousers."

The new ITV Corrie book Deirdre: A Life on Coronation Street will be published next month. You can pre-order it here.

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