Thursday, September 10, 2015

Coronation Street Episode Review, Thursday 10th September

So this week's big news is, of course, the showdown between Carla and Tracy and the latter's arrest. Whilst I’m glad that Tracy has 'fessed up, the whole point seems moot. Kal went into the burning flat to save Leanne (and Amy) of his own volition; he chose to do that, he was surely aware of the dangers. Maddie bobbed under a police line to get to Sophie to tell her about Jenny Bradley's deceit. To blame Carla or Tracy seems to be an attempt to find a scapegoat for Kal and Maddie's foolhardy actions. Anyway, I reckon the real villain is Sinead who made the candles in the first place - I bet everyone else threw them away after the fire, apart from Sally, who'd already chucked out hers because it didn't match the pouffe.

Then again, Carla has got away with other misdeeds - the corporate manslaughter of Polish seamstress Kasia, and knocking down St Ella of the Backroom whilst driving under the influence. Maybe Carla's tortured, self-destructive guilt over the last few months has included ruminating on these unpunished crimes. Tracy, meanwhile, is not leaving the cast so it looks like she will get away with murder (manslaughter), again. She knows how to play the game, repeating "No witnesses, no evidence" to the police and Robert, looking a little worried and grey under his "Around Midnight" shade of Just For Men, has already started her defence, claiming to Ken that Tracyluv only confessed in order to stop Carla from killing herself. "Tracey's not a monster," he says, almost believing it.

Weatherfield's police are negligent, but the social services department are not fit for purpose. Shouldn't they have overseen the Hodges' adoption of Miley? Faye talks about Miley living in Canada as if she's discussing a distant cousin. She is more interested in what Mrs Reynolds will say if she's late back to school, and being rude about Canada's national dish with Craig.

There is an episode theme of people doing things for alternative reasons. Faye wants "what's best" for Miley, but really it seems to come as a relief that she can now get on with her life. Nick seems to have phoned the police so that justice can be done, but in actuality, he wants everyone to know that Carla is innocent, so that she will return to normal and he will get his girlfriend back. Tim, too, thinks he knows what's best for Miley and Faye, but he is trying to make up for his early abandonment of his daughter. In a poignant scene, Joe Duttine shows that he can do much more than comedy, as he sadly asks: "Why should a lousy dad get to be a granddad?"

The family Brown-Dobbs celebrate Ruby's third birthday with a cake and Fiz singing down the phone. At the hospital, I was pleased to see the paediatric nurse from yesterday in the background a.k.a. my Mancunian mate Marcy, who has previously been seen as an extra supping tea in Roy's Rolls.

Finally, Jason is not interested in the latest Street gossip (which is not surprising since it came in a rather misinformed manner from Kirk, who thinks it's all about a pepperoni pizza), and makes it clear that his priority is getting revenge on Callum, even if it makes his mum "unproud".

Thanks for reading!

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