Monday, September 14, 2015

Coronation Street Double Episode Review 14 September 2015

There’s an air of menace on the cobbles tonight, contributors being Callum and Tony and Callum’s two henchmen. Callum sees Tony in the pub and asks, ‘Where’s Jason? In the van with his pop and crisps?’  Tony warns Callum – ‘Keep looking over your shoulder son.’  

In the café, Kylie gave Callum a fantastic slap  on his face, which was still red and clearly painful a little later. Callum runs through what the family’s total assets are. There is the Bistro, he points out, Audrey’s hair salon and the house the Platts live in, which could fetch £95,000. He well deserved that slap.  Kylie is clearly pent up, knowing only too well of what Callum is capable. She tries to get Bethany to retract her alibi statement, but Callum is watching the two of them talk and so Bethany decides she can’t do that, despite the fact that her family is in real danger. Callum’s hanging around and the threat they are under and the impossibility of getting together £20,000, results in David going on Max’s school trip and staying close by Max’s side the whole time.

As Callum whiles away his time in the pub, over at the salon Audrey is dealing with the 2 thugs he sent round to frighten her. And frighten her they did. Luckily Ken was passing by and heard the commotion. No doubt about it though, Audrey was frightened. Later, round at the Platts Audrey challenges Gail who says it’s all going to be fine. ‘It’s all going to be fine! How can it be fine when there’s no way of stopping him?’

Sarah has thrown Callum out of the pub after the comment that if Bethany has a child Sarah will be a grandmother at 29. Seeing Kylie he tells her, ‘All these years and you still haven’t learnt. I always get what I want.’

Andrea’s pregnancy is weighing heavily on Lloyd’s mind. As he says to Steve in the cab office, ‘I didn’t sleep a wink.’ He goes on, ‘My one weak spot and she zooms right in. Bam!’

Steve tells Lloyd that he is a man with choices. ‘I’ll teach you every trick in the book,’ he adds.  Back in The Rovers Steve is told that no one is answering the phone in the cab office. Off he goes to find Andrea and Lloyd in an embrace. Steve is annoyed – his mum has just booked a week’s holiday for her and Lloyd.

The scene in which Andrea turned up to see Lloyd and told him that she wanted him back, was excellently executed. Both actors conveyed such strong emotions and it was utterly convincing. ‘Tell me you don’t love me,’ challenges Andrea.

Lloyd arrives in the pub to tell Liz about the baby and Andrea. She asks if he loves Andrea and noticeably, Lloyd doesn’t answer. He evades the question. Liz is annoyed when she discovers that Steve knew and also Michelle, Eileen, Michael, Dev and Mary.

It’s hard to not to feel sorry for Liz, after Tony and mad Dan. She was enjoying herself with Lloyd and as she says, he’s decent. You can’t argue with that conclusion. But Liz understands. A baby does change everything. It is Lloyd’s wish to have a child that he can bring up and be there for as a full time dad. Liz can’t compete with that.  She does though say a very decent thing. To Lloyd and Andrea she says, ‘I hope you will both be very happy.’

Jamie bursts into the Bistro and it seems he is an ex of Steph. Is there a good, solid storyline coming her way? And her brother Luke too? It would be great to see this brother and sister have an exciting storyline.

And maybe the relationship between Cathy and Roy will go to the next level. We know that Hayley would give them her blessing as she would agree to whatever makes Roy happy. As would we.

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