Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Coronation Street Weds 2nd September episode review

Welcome to the first Wednesday review of September. In tonight’s episode, we visit Number 1 first. Amy is excited about her first day at Weatherfield High, but Tracy has other things on her mind. She is still wracked with guilt as well as worry. Robert eventually turns up, having been away for the night. He eventually manages to get the truth out of Tracy. However, she has trouble convincing him that it was in fact accidental. After much deliberation, Robert decides to believe her but he insists she must own up, at least to Carla anyway. This turn in the storyline is an interesting one. I think this is the first time that Tracy has knowingly been in the wrong and has actually done something wrong accidentally. 
"What, so, tell Carla the truth but lie to the police?"
"Just do it"

It’s Kevin’s birthday. Tonight, the loveable rogue turned 50. The adorable Tim, with whom Kevin has formed a ‘bromance’ presents him with a shiny camp bracelet with which Kevin is less than impressed with. However, he cracks a smile and Tim arranges to take him for a drink later. Later on, we find out that this is a ploy. Sally and Tim are arranging a surprise birthday party. When an emergency arises and Kevin has to rush off to Bolton, he leaves Tim in charge of the garage. An ear shattering rattle is heard shaking across the cobbles as Sally returns from the supermarket with a trolley full of alcohol. Tim cannot contain his laughter as Sally complains at her embarrassment and the looks she got. (If only she had a car, but no-one on the Street seems to have one.)

 And why is Sally going to all this effort for her ex-husband? Sophie knows something isn't right, especially when her mother announces that she and Tim haven't even picked a wedding date yet.

"Did you nick that?!"
"I borrowed it. Honestly, the looks I've been getting, I've never felt so vulgar in all my life!"

It is supposed to be Hope’s first day at school, but Tyrone and Fiz have to take her to the hospital. Of course, Hope is clueless and her only concern is that she has left her favourite teddy at home. Tyrone leaves Fiz at the hospital and takes Hope home to collect it. As a way of cheering Hope up, who is sad about missing school, he takes her to Mary’s face painting session at the community centre. Leaving Roy to babysit, he gets back to the hospital to join an optimistic Fiz. A strong blow was dealt as the episode drew to a close.

"I'm afraid it's very possible that Hope has a type of childhood cancer"

Elsewhere, Simon bargains with Leanne for a new phone, a hungover Carla finds Nick’s credit card, Cathy decides she needs to move out of Roy's and Gary finally makes a very welcome reappearance. A great episode, written by the formidable Jonathan Harvey. Performance of the episode goes to Patti Clare as Mary, who wove herself into different storylines, providing valuable comic relief.

"Happy birthday, Kevin. I've just been hearing all about your new romance. Or should I say bromance? You and Tim"
"Congratulations! I once had a gay boyfriend"
"We all have to go to work unfortunately. apart from the incapacitated and if we're to believe certain newspapers, anybody over 13 stone"
As always, thanks for reading.

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