Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Happy 50th Birthday, Kevin Webster

It's Kev Webster's 50th birthday on Thursday September 3rd 2015 (source: Corriepedia) and it's being celebrated on screen tonight, Wednesday September 2nd.

Here's Kevin from his first appearance on the show, back in 1983.

After completing his course in 1983 aged 18, Kevin looked for work but couldn't find anything until he had a lucky encounter with Alf Roberts while hitchhiking back to Weatherfield in October that year.

Alf's car broke down while passing him by, and Alf offered to give Kevin a lift home if he could get it going.

When Kevin carried out the repairs with no trouble, the grateful shopkeeper recommended him to Brian Tilsley, owner of Tilsley's Garage in Albert Street, as Brian was looking for a mechanic to work alongside him. After a successful interview, Kevin was taken on.

Read Kevin's profile on Corriepedia and

Here is Michael le Vell in that first episode as Kevin. He first appears at 19 minutes into the

Kevin Webster through the years. Tash-tastic!
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