Thursday, September 10, 2015

Jane Danson: "I'd love the Battersbys to call in for a visit"

Jane Danson, who plays Coronation Street's Leanne, was interviewed on ITV's Lorraine this morning.

She talked about her current storyline on Corrie where Simon is abusing Leanne. Then there are some great, very old, clips of Leanne on the Street shown.

Jane also talked about wanting the rest of the Battersby clan back on the Street too.  It's not the first time she's called for Leanne's sister Toyah to return to the Street, and this fan would love that to happen.

Leanne's mum Janice would be welcome back too I'd imagine in the form of Vicky Entwistle, although ITV recently confirmed there are no plans for the return of Les Battersby.

You can watch the interview here.

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