Sunday, September 6, 2015

Secrets of the blue tarpaulin on the Coronation Street set

In the picture spoilers which we have on the website today, they show Max in danger of being run over by Nick's Bistro van.  You can view the pictures here.

Fans have been asking what the blue tarpaulin is that covers one of the houses on Coronation Street.

We have the answer!

In the previews for next week's Corrie (read them here) there are heavy hints that the tarp will be covering the Platt's garage. 

The previews say this: "Worn out after a sleepless night, David and Kylie suggest to Gail she should move out then Lily can have her own room.  At Sally's suggestion, Gail invites Tony round to No.8 to give them a quote for converting the garage into a granny-flat for her."

So there you have it. The blue tarp is covering the granny-flat addition to the Platt's house as they convert their garage into a granny-flat for Gail. And I bet she was really enjoying it in the box room too.

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