Friday, November 27, 2015

Corrie bosses deny ‘Muslim extremist’ storyline

The Sun today has a story that Coronation Street will be running a Muslim extremist storyline.  However, ITV have denied this will be happening.

Today's Metro reports that The Sun stated that the plot line had been ‘confirmed’ and that casting would take place for a character that would be involved in the shocking storyline, which would have inevitably caused serious controversy, particularly in the wake of the recent attacks in Paris.

But, when contacted by, a spokesperson for the show denied that any such storyline was planned, saying: ‘There are absolutely no plans to introduce a Muslim extremist or radicalisation storyline into Coronation Street.’

A show source also explained that while the idea had once been pitched briefly at a storyline conference, as a great many plots often are, it was not pursued in any way.

Deirdre: A Life on Coronation Street - official ITV tribute to a soap icon. Available here.

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