Monday, November 30, 2015

Coronation street episode review, Monday 30 Nov

Young Max is not happy about his one line - ‘I’m sorry but there’s no room.’ It is a crucial one though. Ironically, there was room for his dad at The Platts’ residence. Speaking of which, Sarah returns home and appears upbeat and cheerful. David is confused. She tells him, ‘You told me to pull myself together, so I pulled myself together.’ It could be an act and David seems keen to prove that it is. He forces her into Gail’s annexe.

‘The thing is Sarah, you were the weak link and you still are and you’re never going to be able to deal with the fact that he is under that floor.’ Judging from her expression, David is not far wrong.

Behind the bar in The Rovers, as Aidan chats her up, it would be hard to guess that she had any problems at all. Gail notices her newly returned daughter and Aidan and says, ‘ You’re not letting the grass grow are you? Anyway, he’s an improvement on Callum.’

Out on the cobbles Eileen and Michael are having an altercation. Michael is angry with her for not waking him up. Eileen tells him that another ten minutes won’t make any difference, because Brenda will be hanging around hoping not to arrive home before her husband has left for work – an enlightening comment on the state of the marriage. Gail is inly too pleased to witness the argument and smugly asks, ‘Is everything alright?’

Sally goes over to Gail in the pub and tells her that she saw Eileen and Michael arguing. She asks Gail, ‘Don’t you think it’s about time you let go of Michael? You might come across a bit…’ Before Sally can finish Gail says, ‘Kevin. That’s all I’m saying.’

Michael falls asleep in the cab office and Tim, waking him up asks, ‘Who’s this Dee then?’ Eileen takes it upon herself to field Dee’s calls but she manages to get through on his mobile. Michael, Eileen needs her pelmet doing!

Sophie is enjoying bossing the men around but has no interest in a discussion with her mother about what to eat at Christmas. This is perfectly understandable given that it is but months since Maddie’s tragic death. But – it was hard not to notice the appreciative glance Sophie had for Kate. Surely something is going to happen there.

Michelle is not thrilled with having Aidan as a houseguest and when he appears wrapped in just a towel, she tells him that he could have the flat at Streetcars. He turns down her offer on the grounds that Steve told him it was a dump. Later she offers it to Johnny who is in a B&B but is suffering with a bad back from the bed there. They go to have a look and find that Aidan is also there having changed his mind. Carla conducts a game of paper stone and scissors, which Johnny wins. I have to say that I found this difficult to watch and though the Connors may be growing on some people, I’m afraid, I could well do without them. I’m not sure what they add.

Craig is reading about Banksy and Caitlin, who smells smoky, of Cedarwood, tells him he could be as good as Banksy. Craig suggests they watch something at his house. One of the highlights of tonight’s episode, was the revelation that Beth would speak the lyrics of Take a Chance on Me by Abba to her young son. Craig only twigged when he was older.

Their plan to be alone is foiled by Faye, who had spotted them earlier. A bit of the green monster maybe…?

David is under discussion between Sarah and Kylie. Kylie says he is worried about Sarah, but Sarah knows him better than that. ‘Kylie! Wake up! He’s worried about me in terms of how it affects him. It’s always only about David! He will sell anyone down the river – you know it.’

By Ruth Owen

Deirdre: A Life on Coronation Street - official ITV tribute to a soap icon. Available here.

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