Well. what a surprise! It's me again with this week's Wednesday review.
In tonight's episode, we start off around the Platt's breakfast table, often a hotbed of sniping and sighing and this breakfast time was no exception. Gail senses that something is wrong between Kylie and David when David sharply insists upon taking Max to school. Bethany, however, is not at school- yet again. Thanks to a rather convenient 'coursework day' just before Christmas, she ends up in the back room in the salon with Audrey doing her nails. When Audrey goes for lunch at the Bistro with Gail and Sarah, David and Kylie are unaware that she is still there and, along with customer Todd, begin another discussion about the elephant in the room- or rather, the baby in the Sarah. Bethany being her hot-headed self marches to the Bistro and spectacularly drops the bombshell. Needless to say, Gail and Audrey are dismayed, even moreso when Sarah adamantly announces she is going to keep it. However, I have to question Gail's rather harsh accusation that despite all stupid things Sarah has done this 'takes the biscuit'. I would say that getting pregnant at age thirteen, getting kidnapped by a cha troom stalker and framing her own brother for the use of ecstasy tablets are just a tad worse than being unknowingly pregnant.
"I've had time to think of this. It's a good thing" "A good thing? You, up the duff, by the monster who terrorised our whole family?"
(I think you mean one of the monsters, Gail) |
It is after all this drama that things to calm down. Somewhat, anyway. Bethany decides to apologise to Sarah after a chat with Kylie and David. Things turn sour again though when David tells Kylie that he thinks they should separate, leaving Kylie bewildered. I can see why Kylie and David should split up in the short term; it would be a natural occurrence after the stress of killing a drug dealer and hiding his body underground, but I really hope this isn't the end of the what is so far one of the longest running Platt marriages ever (a whole four years!)
"Once the kids are in bed, I'll pack a bag and I'll go. Our marriage is dead". |
Tracy laments to Robert about her lack of sales in the shop and plays the doting girlfriend, groaning when he has to leave her for work. But there is something else on her mind. She's clearly in a good mood when she insists Todd goes home early, after lying through her teeth that she had a lonely quiet night in planned as Robert is at work. And then the phone goes. It's Rob- the other one, calling to confirm her prison visit. It will be interesting to see Tracy visit Rob again, now that he knows she has a Robert, but she seems to want both Rob and Robert. An interesting storyline, I guess, but I don't really see where it's going. And with a Rob and a Robert, it's like Bet and Betty all over again!
"I'll be there. I've even bought something nice to wear. I thought you might like it if we tried to make the other inmates a bit jealous" |
There's more secret keeping in the Platt family, as Gail knows about Michael's guilty secret regarding Dee but Eileen is still in the dark. This pleases Gail no end, I am sure. Eileen is pushing for Michael to attend the award ceremony on Friday at which he has been nominated for the Weatherfield Good Samaritan of the Year award, even going to the trouble of writing his speech. At the pub, Michael leaves Eileen in a booth and goes to the bar to confide more in Gail. He still doesn't feel comfortable receiving an award for which he was nominated by a woman he once burgled. Gail gives him a Platt pep talk, reminding him that we just have to learn to deal with whatever life throws at us. She's right; I think she's done remarkably well dealing with what life has thrown at her. And being widowed four times is just the tip of the iceberg!
"And it was all thanks to the generosity and open- what does that say?" "Open mindedness." "Open mindedness of my partner Eileen Grimshaw, who has always been at my side encouraging and supporting my tireless work for the community" "Brilliant! Even if I do say so myself" |
Elsewhere, Anna receives some naughty texts from a man she met at singles night, Billy only takes Sean on a date because the event at the church has been cancelled and Andy rants about driftwood.
A good episode tonight, especially with the revelation for the Platt family. Performance of the episode goes to Lucy Fallon as Bethany. She plays the fiery teenager brilliantly. Even though I was rooting for this pregnancy to disappear as soon as possible, I am now looking forward to see if it adds any dynamic to the already messy storyline.
As always, thanks for reading!
Jordan, follow me on Twitter- @JordanLloyd39
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