Friday, December 18, 2015

Spot the Corrie prop - December 18th 2015

Congratulations this week go to regular contributor Pod who was the first to spot that last week's pink pussy pencil case belongs to Amy Barlow. Well done.

For this week's prop puzzle all you have to do is tell us whereabouts on the Coronation Street set you would find this festive snowflake decoration.

Deirdre: A Life on Coronation Street - official ITV tribute to a soap icon. Available here.

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Coronation Street Blog Advent Calendar 2015 - Day 18

Today we open door 18 on the Coronation Street Blog advent calendar.  Because a fight in the Rovers at Christmas is always fun to watch. 

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Coronation Street Christmas song of 1988

Here's Bill Waddington (Coronation Street Percy Sugden’s) 1988 Christmas song Don’t Forget The Old Folks At Christmas.

Have a listen to it here

On a more serious note, our blogger Graeme is fundraising for charity The Silverline. He's going 'dry' in January and not touching a drop of the drink.  The Silver Line is the only free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people, open 24 hours a day, every day of the year and our blogger Graeme is a volunteer with them. 

If you can, please sponsor Graeme here.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Preview of tonightCorrie - Friday 18 December

Friday 18th December
ROB HAS PLANS FOR ROBERT Tracy thanks Robert for his grand gesture and kissing him, tells him he’s right, it’s time for a change of direction and that a florists is a great idea. In his prison cell, Rob confides in Ian that he intends to introduce himself to Robert.
EILEEN VENTS HER FURY AT MICHAEL Dee rages at Michael. Gail rushes to Michael’s defence telling Dee how he burgled her house too but he’s a good man underneath. Eileen squirms with embarrassment. As Billy announces the winner, Michael Rodwell, Michael flees from the bistro. Dee leaves, telling Michael that if he ever tries to contact her again, she’ll report him to the police. Michael apologises to Eileen for letting her down and causing her so much embarrassment. But will Eileen accept his apology?
THE COST OF CHRISTMAS HITS TYRONE HARD Fiz leads Tyrone into No.9 and reveals the Christmas makeover. Tyrone’s gutted, explaining he was looking forward to decorating the house with the kids. Sinead, Beth and Kirk leave feeling hurt. Fiz berates Tyrone for his ingratitude over the decorations.
ELSEWHERE Kylie tells David she wants him back and the kids need their Dad but if he can’t do it then they should call it quits. David’s stunned. Zeedan watches Robert at work and suggests a way he could improve upon a recipe. Robert offers him a job in the bistro kitchen, will Zeedan accept? Finding Aidan alone, Eva wonders what’s the matter. Aidan confides in her that it’s 22 years since his mother died.

Deirdre: A Life on Coronation Street - official ITV tribute to a soap icon. Available here.

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Katy Cavanagh stars on stage in new Jim Cartwright play

Katy Cavanagh is much missed by this fan as Julie Carp on Coronation Street.  The actress will be appearing at the Bolton Octagon theatre in the world premiere of a new Jim Cartwright play called Two 2. 

This is Lancashire reports that Katy is back in Bolton for the Jim Cartwright sequel, set in a northern boozer, which will make its debut at the Octagon Theatre in February, following on from a production of Two. (I've seen this play when it did the rounds many years ago at the Live Theatre in Newcastle and it's fantastic so Two 2 will be ace!)

Katy, who began treading the boards in the town as a youngster, is starring in both plays with Octagon regular Colin Connor as the landlord and landlady of the pub, bringing 14 characters to life between them.

Two debuted at the Octagon in 1989 and follows the lives of a landlord and lady, introducing the many characters who pass through their pub, from early doors to last orders, over the course of one whirlwind evening.

Two 2 seemingly begins at the end of the road for a once-bustling pub — but despite all attempts at quiz nights, karaoke, and pub grub, it could soon be last orders for the struggling landlord and lady themselves.

Two will run from January 21 to February 6, followed by the world premiere of its sequel, Two 2, from February 10 to 27.   Tickets and more information here.

Deirdre: A Life on Coronation Street - official ITV tribute to a soap icon. Available here.

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Pics: Sally and Tim as Annie and Albert for Text Santa

Pictures have been released showing some of the Coronation Street cast as classic characters.  It's all in aid of a sketch that will run as part of ITV's Text Santa on Friday 18 December.

Sally Dynevor (Sally Metcalfe) is done up as Annie Walker.  Joe Duttine (Tim Metcalfe) is Uncle Albert Tatlock.  And Debbie Rush (Anna Windass) is dolled up as Elsie Tanner.

And Les Dennis will do his Mavis "I don't really know" Riley!

Sir Richard Branson will also join in the Coronation Street sketch. Read more on that here.

It's not the first time that Corrie cast members have dressed up as blasts from the show's past. Have a look here for some more amazing photos.

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Corrie At Christmas 1972 style

As we are well on the way to Christmas now I thought I would take a look at Christmas in Corrie back in the day. One particular Christmas episode always sticks in my memory (and not because I was around to watch it when it was shown!) The 1972 festive episode is a cracker.

Back in the days before regular murder and mayhem, Coronation Street took a more traditional, community-minded approach to the festive season. The '72 episode is a perfect example and although there are touches of drama in the background, the main event is a talent show in the Rovers Select. 

We can deal with the drama first. The main thread going through part one is Alan Howard's descent in alcoholism. Elsie is obviously concerned, so much so that all she has managed to cook for Christmas dinner is a pan of boiling water. Thankfully Betty's sister Maggie Clegg is on hand to share advice from her own troubled marriage. The scenes between Elsie and Maggie are well written and honestly played. 

The other serious storyline focuses on the arrival of a rather strange Irish woman at the community centre who appears to have had a hand in the previous abduction of Ena's grandson Jason. The young woman is played by a very young Frances Tomelty who went on to have a very successful acting career. The main thing I noticed about all these scenes is the pace, it's so much slower than the Corrie produced today. 

Anyway, back to the main event. Billy Walker is master of ceremonies and many of the Rovers regulars are putting on turns for a bunch of rather dodgy looking extras and one Stanley Ogden (I have no idea where Hilda had disappeared to). The Select always looked to be a massive barn of a place, which was completely disproportionate with the size of the pub from the outside. I think they call that artistic licence...

While most of the acts cover old music hall turns most modern viewers have long since forgotten (or never knew in the first place), the great joy of these scenes is seeing so many classic characters doing something a bit different. It also allows many of the actors to demonstrate their versatility and use skills developed in local theatre and variety, often many years before Granada came calling. Ernest Bishop (the late Stephen Hancock) is at the piano as he often was while the likes of Ray Langton, Alf Roberts and Jerry Booth perform. 

There are two highlights for me. The first is the joyous threesome of Betty, Bet and Norma Ford (anyone remember her and her strange obsession with Ken Barlow?) The ladies perform as the Andrews Sisters and it's great to see Betty Driver actually sing in the show. They are obviously having a whale of a time and Julie Goodyear hams it up as only she could! 

We also get a young Barbara Knox, or Rio Rita as she was known in those days, doing her Marlene Dietrich act complete with trench coat, beret and cigarette holder! It doesn't get any camper than that! Fair play to her though for having a go! 

Sadly we don't get to see Emily's Carmen Miranda routine as she has a mishap with her bananas...Perhaps Eileen Derbyshire can give that a go before she departs on New Year's Day?

Anyway, if you fancy a bit of seventies Corrie nostalgia, some lovely person has uploaded this episode in two parts.

You can check out part one here and part two is available here 

You can follow me on Twitter @GraemeN82 

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Why Johnny Connor might not be Carla's dad

I've just seen a comment on twitter that is worth a mention in a blog post, just because it made me laugh out loud.  It relates to Johnny Connor's confession to Liz last week that he had a one night stand with Carla's mam in the back of a Vauxhall Cavalier. That's why he's concerned he might be Carla's dad.
Corriepedia and the Manchester Evening News have Carla's birth date as  January 1975.  The Vauxhall Cavalier was launched in November of that year.

Of course, it was 40 years ago and memories fade. Plus, Johnny would have been in the throes of passion so we'll forgive him for not remembering the make and model of the passion wagon. 

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Coronation Street Blog Advent Calendar 2015 - Day 17

Today we open door 17 on the Coronation Street Blog advent calendar. Christmas 1994 and it's Curly and Raquel and the star he's named after her as Mrs Raquel Watts.

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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Coronation Street episode review, Weds 16 December

Well. what a surprise! It's me again with this week's Wednesday review.

In tonight's episode, we start off around the Platt's breakfast table, often a hotbed of sniping and sighing and this breakfast time was no exception. Gail senses that something is wrong between Kylie and David when David sharply insists upon taking Max to school. Bethany, however, is not at school- yet again. Thanks to a rather convenient 'coursework day' just before Christmas, she ends up in the back room in the salon with Audrey doing her nails. When Audrey goes for lunch at the Bistro with Gail and Sarah, David and Kylie are unaware that she is still there and, along with customer Todd, begin another discussion about the elephant in the room- or rather, the baby in the Sarah. Bethany being her hot-headed self marches to the Bistro and spectacularly drops the bombshell. Needless to say, Gail and Audrey are dismayed, even moreso when Sarah adamantly announces she is going to keep it. However, I have to question Gail's rather harsh accusation that despite all stupid things Sarah has done this 'takes the biscuit'. I would say that getting pregnant at age thirteen, getting kidnapped by a cha troom stalker and framing her own brother for the use of ecstasy tablets are just a tad worse than being unknowingly pregnant.

"I've had time to think of this. It's a good thing"
"A good thing? You, up the duff, by the monster who terrorised our whole family?"

(I think you mean one of the monsters, Gail)

It is after all this drama that things to calm down. Somewhat, anyway. Bethany decides to apologise to Sarah after a chat with Kylie and David. Things turn sour again though when David tells Kylie that he thinks they should separate, leaving Kylie bewildered. I can see why Kylie and David should split up in the short term; it would be a natural occurrence after the stress of killing a drug dealer and hiding his body underground, but I really hope this isn't the end of the what is so far one of the longest running Platt marriages ever (a whole four years!)

"Once the kids are in bed, I'll pack a bag and I'll go. Our marriage is dead".

Tracy laments to Robert about her lack of sales in the shop and plays the doting girlfriend, groaning when he has to leave her for work. But there is something else on her mind. She's clearly in a good mood when she insists Todd goes home early, after lying through her teeth that she had a lonely quiet night in planned as Robert is at work. And then the phone goes. It's Rob- the other one, calling to confirm her prison visit. It will be interesting to see Tracy visit Rob again, now that he knows she has a Robert, but she seems to want both Rob and Robert. An interesting storyline, I guess, but I don't really see where it's going. And with a Rob and a Robert, it's like Bet and Betty all over again!

"I'll be there. I've even bought something nice to wear. I thought you might like it if we tried to
make the other inmates a bit jealous"

There's more secret keeping in the Platt family, as Gail knows about Michael's guilty secret regarding Dee but Eileen is still in the dark. This pleases Gail no end, I am sure. Eileen is pushing for Michael to attend the award ceremony on Friday at which he has been nominated for the Weatherfield Good Samaritan of the Year award, even going to the trouble of writing his speech. At the pub, Michael leaves Eileen in a booth and goes to the bar to confide more in Gail. He still doesn't feel comfortable receiving an award for which he was nominated by a woman he once  burgled. Gail gives him a Platt pep talk, reminding him that we just have to learn to deal with whatever life throws at us. She's right; I think she's done remarkably well dealing with what life has thrown at her. And being widowed four times is just the tip of the iceberg!

"And it was all thanks to the generosity and open- what does that say?"
"Open mindedness."
"Open mindedness of my partner Eileen Grimshaw, who has always been at my side encouraging and supporting my tireless work for the community"
"Brilliant! Even if I do say so myself" 

Elsewhere, Anna receives some naughty texts from a man she met at singles night, Billy only takes Sean on a date because the event at the church has been cancelled and Andy rants about driftwood.

A good episode tonight, especially with the revelation for the Platt family. Performance of the episode goes to Lucy Fallon as Bethany. She plays the fiery teenager brilliantly. Even though I was rooting for this pregnancy to disappear as soon as possible, I am now looking forward to see if it adds any dynamic to the already messy storyline.

As always, thanks for reading!

Jordan, follow me on Twitter- @JordanLloyd39

Deirdre: A Life on Coronation Street - official ITV tribute to a soap icon. Available here.

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Preview of tonight's Corrie - Thursday 17 December

Thursday 17th December
ROB REELS TRACY IN Tracy visits Rob in prison and admits how much she misses him, assuring him there’s been nobody else in her life. Knowing she’s lying, Rob masks his contempt. Tracy returns home and Robert leads her to Barlow’s Buys. Tracy’s taken aback to discover her shop full of flowers. Robert tells her to follow her dream and take up floristry again. Tracy’s touched. Meanwhile telling his cellmate how Tracy has lied to him, Rob vows to have his revenge.
MICHAEL FINALLY FACES THE MUSIC Michael admits to Gail how he’s dreading the awards ceremony and wishes he had the courage to come clean. As the ceremony gets underway Michael arrives at the last minute and Eileen’s relieved to see him. But as Billy reads out the Good Samaritan nominees he’s interrupted by the arrival of Dee with her neighbour Pat in tow. Pointing an accusing finger at Michael, Pat confirms that he’s the man who burgled Dee’s house. How will Michael react?
THE COMMUNITY DIGS DEEP FOR HOPE Fiz asks Beth, Kirk and Sinead if they’ll put up her Christmas decorations at No.9 while she’s out as a surprise for Hope and Ruby. Sinead organises a whip round in the factory to buy some new decorations. Fiz, Hope and Ruby return home and are bowled over to find their living room transformed into a Christmas grotto with a beautiful tree. 
ELSEWHERE In the café, Anna and Kevin compare notes on their forthcoming dates. The factory girls arrive for their Christmas party. Looking a million dollars, Eva flirts with Aidan. Kylie pleads with David to come home, if only for the sake of Max and Lily. Feeling a pang of guilt will David agree?

Deirdre: A Life on Coronation Street - official ITV tribute to a soap icon. Available here.

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Video: It's a Corrie Christmas!

Soaps Queen Sharon Marshall from ITV's This Morning reported from the set of Coronation Street this week.  The brief video report shows the Street being set up for Christmas, it's a nice little thing to watch.

Sharon visited the set of Corrie to see it transformed in the snow and uncovered some secrets to be revealed over Christmas. 

You can check out our Coronation Street Christmas spoilers here and the TV Christmas schedule here.

You can watch the video here.

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Tonight: Jane Danson on You Saw Them Here First

Jane Danson, who plays Leanne on Coronation Street, will star in ITV's You Saw Them Here First. The programme airs at 8pm after Corrie.

The programme offers a brand new collection of 'before they were famous' TV appearances and some very special visitors to the time travelling video booth. 

This time Coronation Street’s Jane Danson, Emmerdale’s Chris Chittell and Eastenders’ Jake Wood all get personal screenings of the TV shows they made before starring on the nation’s biggest soaps.

Comedy actresses Maureen Lipman and Jane Horrocks re-live their earliest appearances on stage, screen and TV adverts!

And if you want to see a young Rita Ora acting, a teenage Graham Norton chatting or Hollywood heartthrob Jamie Dornan modelling his way to the top, then tune in and you’ll soon discover just where you saw them first.

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Updated: Corrie list of who's leaving, joining and returning

Here is our updated list of those characters and actors we know about who are joining, returning or leaving the show.


Play School legend Derek Griffiths will join. Read it here.
Pat Phelan will return. Read it here.
Jenny Bradley will return early in 2016. Read it here.


Ryan Thomas is leaving the show as Jason Grimshaw in 2016. Read it here.

Alison King will take a break in 2016 as Carla Connor - read it here.

Les Dennis (Michael Rodwell) is taking a sabbatical in spring 2016. Read it here.

Simon Gregson (Steve McDonald) is taking a break for personal reasons. Read it here.

Brooke Vincent (Sophie Webster) is taking a break in 2016 to join a theatre play. Read it here.

David Neilson (Roy Cropper) will be starring in a theatre play in 2016 with Chris Gascoyne (Peter Barlow). Read it here.

Eileen Derbyshire (Emily Bishop) taking 6 months leave in 2016. Will she return? Read it here.

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Simon Gregson becomes dad for third time

Congratulations go to Simon Gregson, who has announced via twitter that his wife Emma Gleave has given birth. 

The couple already have two children and Simon becomes a dad today for the third time.

Simon tweeted today: ""After talking to a belly for 9 months, I can now talk to a beautiful little face and know it's not Mr Hanky.​"

Earlier this year Simon went on a leave of absence from his work at Coronation Street for personal reasons.   

His character of Steve McDonald was recently voted as top Corrie man by readers in our poll here on the Coronation Street Blog.

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